On February 18, the Department of State (DOS) rescinded its previous interview waiver policy and updated the categories of applicants eligible for a nonimmigrant visa interview waiver. The amended policy allows consular officers to waive interviews for certain visa categories, such as diplomats and those applying for visas similar to a prior one issued within the past 12 months.
Specifically, applicants that may be eligible for a waiver include:
Applicants classifiable under the visa symbols A-1, A-2, C-3 (except attendants, servants, or personal employees of accredited officials), G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, NATO-1 through NATO-6, or TECRO E-1;
Applicants for diplomatic– or official-type visas; and
Applicants who previously held a visa in the same category that expired less than 12 months prior to the new application.
To be eligible for an interview waiver, applicants must also meet certain criteria, including that they:
Apply in their country of nationality or residence;
Have never been refused a visa (unless such refusal was overcome or waived); and
Have no apparent or potential ineligibility.
Consular officers may still require in-person interviews on a case-by-case basis or because of local conditions.
This narrowing of eligibility is expected to increase appointment nonimmigrant visa interview wait times, so we suggest all clients stay informed by checking consular post websites for updates. We will provide any new updates or announcements if issued.
Please contact your GG&W attorney with any specific question you may have.